Prompt Journal - Understanding yourself

Understanding Yourself: Myers–Briggs Type Indicator – and how it can be used in the workplace

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire with the purpose of indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions. The MBTI test is available online, … Continue reading Understanding Yourself: Myers–Briggs Type Indicator – and how it can be used in the workplace

Prompt: Shower Time

Sometimes we have our best ideas in the shower. What did you think about in the shower today? Write it down and tease it out.

Prompt Journal - Sponsorship


The majority of companies have a taken mentoring on board and for a lot of them having a mentoring scheme is now becoming the norm. However, a lot of companies still don’t encourage sponsorship. Mentoring … Continue reading Sponsorship