Career Journal

prompt journal - career journal

Hello and welcome to part of the Printed Portal Publishing family. Prompt Journal is a collection of Journal Prompts and advice designed to help you #ownyourcareer and take a more focused approach to your career development.

Each week you will get a new prompt for your career journal to inspire you to think about and reflect on your career development.

Prompt Journal - Prompts for your Journal

What is a career Journal?

A Career Journal is a journal focussed on your career and personal development. You can find out more in our introductory series of blog posts:

  1. What is a Journal?
  2. What are the benefits of writing a Journal?
  3. What type of journal? 10 Journals you should write.
  4. What medium should I use to write my Journal?
  5. What to write about in your Journal?
  6. The Benefits of Upcycling: Reviewing your Journal.
  7. Why should you handwrite your Journal entries?
  8. What is a Career Journal?

Other FAQs and Tips:

  1. Freestyle Writing in your Career Journal
  2. How to Set Journalling Goals
  3. How to Conquer Writer’s Block
  4. Contents Pages & Indexing

How to get started?

‘Prompt: 52 Prompts for Setting up and Writing Your Career Journal” is a book for everyone who is serious about their job and developing their career. By following the Career Journal Prompts in this ebook you will fill your Career Journal to the point of bursting and have a fantastic introduction to using a Career Journal.

All the information right there to get you started.

The book is available as an ebook or as a hard copy.



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