Prompt: What is your Signature?


Prompt: What is your Signature?

Today I want you to think about your “Signature“. What are you known for? What is your style? what identifies you? What is your reputation? What is your USP? This can be any number of things – think in particular about what people say about you, how they describe you or how they recognise you.

Write a list.

It does not all have to be career focussed.

Once you have written this list, think about how you can capitalise on these to enhance your profile or reputation and boost your career development efforts. Then pick one (or two) to focus your efforts on. You can always come back to the others at a later date.

If you are just starting out and don’t feel like you have a signature yet (or at least don’t have an obvious one) think about the signature of those around you and identify what works for them (and what doesn’t work as well) and think about opportunities for you to develop your own signature. What do you want your signature to be?

Just don’t forget that not all signatures are intentional, but if you hit on something good you should go with the flow. Alternatively, your signature might be a weird quirk – if so – why not embrace it!

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