Let’s Get Started: The Benefits of Upcycling your Journal


Whether you use your journal as a free-for-all or take a project based approach journalling can provide a real benefits if we also take the time not only to write them, but to review the information and turn the information into resources or action points.

When we write a free-hand or write a mind dump entry in a journal this can result in:

  • a lot of great ideas that can be developed further,
  • things that you need to do that can be actioned further; and
  • information that might be better stored elsewhere.

It is through the process of reading, pondering and re-reading that ideas and glimmerings of understandings emerge. Therefore it is important to fully engage in the review process and ‘upcycle’ your journal.

Upcycling your journal can help you get more out of your written words.

The most basic way of doing this is to read them and turn them into ACTION POINTS, new notes and progress your project or personal development through taking active steps following a review of your journal. From the outset you should consider building in a review into your journalling routine which is why I have included this post in the ‘let’s get started’ series.

Pick a Review Date.

I do mine on a monthly basis in the last week of the month. At this stage I also do forward-looking journal entry looking ahead to the next month. However, how often you will need (or want) to review your journal will depend on what you use your journal for.


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