A to Z Challenge 2020: Theme Reveal

Greetings and Welcome A to Z Participants (and readers) to my A to Z Theme Reveal. In previous challenges, we have blogged about Career Development, Interview Questions, Skills Development, and Appraisals.

For 2020 we want to continue to help and inspire Career Journalists, job-seekers and other go-getters interested in professional career development by writing an A to Z of Getting a Promotion.

Regular readers will know that we believe that writing a career journal can help you manage your career and personal development. This includes helping you plan your career and work towards a promotion.

Also, if you don’t already have a career journal this is the perfect excuse to get started.

3 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge 2020: Theme Reveal

  1. Looking forward to learning! It’s been on my mind a bit. Just developed another fairly new blog for career purposes, but still learning more about how to go about it!

    Fun, recreational blog – theresaly520.wordpress.com
    Career blog – https://fissionpm.art.blog/

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