Are you ready for a coach?

We are halfway through 2020 and what a year it has been so far. Reaching the halfway point it always time to review and reflect. This year is no different. What do you want to achieve in the rest of 2020? Do you have dreams and big goals? If so, how are you going to get there?

If you haven’t already considered hiring a coach you might want to think about this. One-to-one coaching is considered to be the most effective means of upgrading your skillset. Coaching can give you a focus and help you achieve your goals.

  • A coach will help you focus firmly on the future and your goals with the aim of helping you find your own path.
  • A coach will nudge you out of your comfort zone and give you straight feedback without worrying about whether or not you like it.
  • Professional coaching encourages clients to deepen insights and self-awareness and translate them into action.
  • Having a coach is an investment and is a proactive way of furthering your goals.

Many employers include professional coaching as part of their Learning & Development offering, whether as one of one-to-one conversations with a profession or as a series of personalised coaching sessions.

What might you expect if you hire a coach?

To be really worthwhile and to have an impact a coach should be hired over a longer-term basis. However, short bursts and specific coaching sessions for particular issues can also be beneficial. Shorter session and one-off sessions can be great for skills development. For example, for getting personalised advice on your confidence or presentation skills. One-off sessions can also be great for career advice and preparation for an interview or difficult conversations.

However, to be the most effective. Coaching should ba an ongoing relationship.

Your coach will start by gathering feedback about you and about how others perceive you. You will then discuss the feedback and your own views and together create an action plan for your development. You will then meet on a regular basis to ensure that you are making progress and moving forward with your development.

At the moment a lot of coaching relationships are taking place virtually. If you have been thinking of getting a coach and you are ready, don’t let this put your off. Magic can still happen virtually.

Are you ready for a coach?

However, to truly get the benefit of working with a coach you have to be ready and have a clear specific reason for hiring a coach. You also have to be prepared to accept the feedback (and act upon it) to get the benefit of the relationship.

For example, if you want to develop as a leader or take the next step in your career – coaching can be a great option for you.

However, if you have too many pressures on your time and struggling to juggle your commitments – you are probably not in the right place to have a coach.

Coaching requires you to slow down and review and take action. It requires your full attention and commitment. So if you are unable to do this… then now is not the right time.

However, but don’t dismiss the possibility completely. Review your circumstances in a few months and who knows, you might be ready to take up this opportunity. In the meantime another alternative might be to get a mentor.

Further Reading:

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