What are your Career Resolutions for 2020?

The new year and new decade is the perfect time to reset and set some career goals and resolutions. The great thing about setting resolutions is that you can think about taking small steps forward to bring about big changes. Here are some things that you should consider adding to your Career Resolutions for 2020.

01. Update and build your online presence.

If you want to be known for what you do and/or get that promotion you need to be building your personal brand. This includes building a solid and professional online brand or presence. This starts with updating and adding to your media profiles.

Keeping your credentials up to date and staying relevant is important as you never know who is going to be looking at your online content and profiles and who knows what opportunities might present themselves.

Start by doing an audit on your online assets and tidying up your online presence. Once you have cleared it out and removed any unprofessional or unsuitable content, you should then look at updating your Website, Company Profile and any Social Media Accounts.

Finally, add relevant content and join in the conversation online to ensure that you build your online presence and online relationships.

02. Get out there!

Social media is that easy button, but it should never replace a real conversation. So remember the power of networking and design a programme of networking that works for you for 2020.

It doesn’t have to be “attend more networking events” (unless that is what you want to do and it works for you) instead it should be focussed around helping you achieve your goals and about finding out what works for you as an individual (if you don’t already know).

03. Take control of your Learning & Development

Invest in yourself. Write your L&D plan and work on it!

Part of your career and personal development plan is likely to include learning something new (or improve your skillset). If it is aligned with your goals at work you may be able to ask your company to provide or pay for your training. Just ask.

If it is not something that you can get through work or it is not directly related to your current job you should still consider investing in yourself whether by spending money and time on or course or simply spending time learning how to do something whether by using a course or listening to podcasts or watching videos. There are so many resources online you should use them.

04. Find a Mentor or Support Network

You are not alone. A mentor or support network can be immensely powerful in helping you make progress in your career and in your personal life. A mentor will not only provide career advice, but they will also open doors that you might not have previously had access to.

05. Keep a Career Journal

Keep a Career Journal to keep track of your accomplishments, challenges and self-improvement. A career journal will help you to set goals and track your progress, smash your performance reviews and provide an opportunity for reflection throughout the year.

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