Coffee and Conversations #6

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Welcome to the next post in the Coffee and Conversations Series. In case you missed the previous posts we have started this series to capture and share advice shared by some of the inspirational women in our personal lives.  In each of these posts, we will write about some of the key takeaways that resonated with us and that we thought might help others and help inspire further conversations in your own personal network.

You don’t need a role model to succeed.

I’ve had a number of conversations recently around role-models, mentoring and sponsorship. One thing that I found really interesting is that a number of inspirational females that I have been talking to and see as inspirational role models – did not have their own role model. Instead – they were taught they could be anything they wanted to be and went for it!

This was really powerful.

This echoed what I wrote about earlier this week about where do you get your inspiration from. Of course, role models are still important. If you have visible role models they can teach you to be the best and inspire and help you!

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