Coffee and Conversations #9

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Welcome to the next post in the Coffee and Conversations Series. In case you missed the previous posts we have started this series to capture and share advice shared by some of the inspirational women in our personal lives.  In each of these posts, we will write about some of the key takeaways that resonated with us and that we thought might help others and help inspire further conversations in your own personal network.

You have a right to help yourself!

Mental Health and Wellbeing is a key topic in the workplace right now. 1 in 4 of us will experience mental health problems this year. It is important to be open to colleagues and friends who want to share and discuss things openly. Most people just want someone to listen to them. They don’t usually need you to “fix” things for them, as they will usually move things forward themselves. Listening to them supportively can be enough!

However, when discussing mental health recently it was pointed out to me that it is important to look out for yourself too.

You equally have a right to help yourself. Don’t compare, don’t think you don’t have a right to help yourself or challenge something or make a chance because someone else is experiencing something “worse” or different. If it is important to you and it is affecting your mental health. It is important that you talk about it too and take action.

I was inspired by the conversation because too often I am the “listener” and I don’t often fight for myself or seek to help myself. I usually help others first. It is important to remember to help yourself too.

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