D is for… Delegate

promptjournal - first 90 days

D is for… Delegate

Yes, you should be learning to be self-sufficient and learn how to do everything (do everything at least once) BUT not everything will be within your job description. Therefore it is important to be clear about what is within your job description / what you are expected to do and what you are expected to delegate and who you are supposed to (can) delegate to and/or supervise. Don’t be afraid to delegate. Just make sure it doesn’t stop you from learning how to do things.

It is important when you start a new job to get a feel for the hierarchy and structure in the workplace as well as working out who you are working with and who will be responsible for what and how you are going to work together going forward.

If you don’t know or you are unsure. Ask. If you are not sure what is appropriate ask your buddy or a discreetly ask a peer.

Action Point: Keep a list of things you have done and how to do them. Once you have learnt how to do them work out if they are things you should continue to do or if it is something that you can delegate. If so, note who can you delegate to.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming “First 90 Days” prompt journal which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

If you are dropping by as part of the A to Z Challenge – don’t forget to leave a comment to say hi with a link to your blog. Do you delegate as part of your role? If not – should you be? Share in the comments.

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