Daily or Weekly? How often should I write in my Career Journal

prompt Journal - Getting Started with a JournalDaily or Weekly?

How often should I write in my Career Journal?

Simple answer. you should write as often as you want and in particular you should write when you are inspired!

Journal Entry - Daily

We write our weekly prompts to help you on your journey and to help you find inspiration around a variety of themes throughout the year and as well as some guided intense journalling, but the rest of your career journal should be filled with your own personal free-writing. We recommend that you do a free-writing journal entry at least once a week. Perhaps even more regularly when you are practising intense journalling.

Intense journalLing

There will be periods of time when you will need to do intense journalling. This might mean increasing your journalling to daily.

This might include when you are:

  • looking for a new job
  • starting a new job
  • preparing for a promotion
  • getting used to a new role following a promotion

When you are going through an “intense” period it is important that you are a sponge and absorbing as much information and possible and working hard on your career goals. Therefore during these intense periods, we recommend that you do a free-writing (reflection) journal entry daily  (or perhaps weekly) depending on your own requirements and how much you think you need.

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