How to Add Value at Work #06: Take the Initiative

This month we are doing an extra quick tips series on how to add value at work. You are not limited by your job description. By “adding value” you can help your company meet their goals as well as also advancing your own career. Adding value to your role, your team, your boss and your company should form part of your goals/objectives to help you meet your career goals. It can improve your reputation, boost your chances of promotion, and from a personal perspective increase your job satisfaction.

Throughout this series, we will be doing a round-up of different ways that you can add value and how your career journal can help you plan and take action.

Take the initiative 

Stepping up and taking responsibility is a key way to add value. Take the initiative to help solve problems and/or hunt for new opportunities for your company is a clear way to add value. Particularly if it is outside your job description, but you are capable of making an impact.

There is no point in just coasting along if you want to add value and be successful.

Show initiative and go above and beyond what you are expected to do and stretch your limits.

Further Reading:

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