M is for… Meetings

promptjournal - first 90 days

M is for… Meetings

We all get frustrated when our days are filled with meetings. However, attend meeting where you can during your first 90 days. They can be important and a good way to:

  • learn about the business/company
  • learn new things
  • meet new people and learn about them
  • be seen to be enthusiastic
  • do your job well
  • have a say.

Meetings can be a great way to find out more about what the company is doing and what their plans for the future are. This can help you work out where you fit in and what projects you might like to work on or put yourself forward for. It can also help you identify where you are an “expert” and help you develop a reputation for that particular specialism or work out which of your specialisms are need to fill a gap.

Action Point: Make sure that you are on all relevant mailing lists and meeting invites to make sure that you can hit the ground running when you start a new job.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming “First 90 Days” prompt journal which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

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