P is for… Press Releases

P is for… Press Releases

Keep a note of any press releases relating to work that you have undertaken throughout the year (and beyond as this is also great for building and updating your CV and referring back to).

If your company is not shouting about it internally already make sure that you keep a record so that you can bring it up yourself. After all, your boss will not always know what you are working on. These might not just be your Press Releases, you should also include your Client and Industry Press Releases (even if you are not mentioned by name).

If you don’t already use google alerts for your key clients and projects you may want to get signed up. This is a really easy way to keep track of press releases and other positive PR. Another great place to look is on LinkedIn. I often find people share press releases (and photographs) on their LinkedIn page.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming book Prompt: 52 Prompts for Getting a Promotion Using Your Career Journal” which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

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