P is for… Problem Solving

promptjournal - first 90 days

P is for… Problem Solving

When you join a new company, it is important to approach your new job with a problem solving attitude. As an outside coming in you may be able to easily identify solutions to any problems.

You may have a clear view without being clouded by the way things have always been done. Or you may have used something previously (a tool, product or process) that could easily be implemented in your new workplace.

The important thing is to solve problems by being solution focused (don’t just point out everything that is “wrong”). Even if you don’t have an absolute answer give your feedback, but take the time to learn why things are done in a particular way (and the history) – engage with your colleagues. Make suggestions, discuss with your colleagues and your boss to show that you are proactive about finding a workable solution.

Action Point: Use your Career Journal to come up with ideas for improvements and how to implement them.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming “First 90 Days” prompt journal which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

If you are dropping by as part of the A to Z Challenge – don’t forget to leave a comment to say hi with a link to your blog. How do you share and implement problem solving in your workplace? Share in the comments.

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