Prompt: My Reading List 2019

promptjournal - reading listPrompt: My reading List 2019

Your New Year Resolutions may have already fallen by the wayside. However, a great thing to be at the beginning of the year is to be ambitious. Don’t hesitate. Write down your list and get through what you can. It is not too late to write your reading list down for 2019.

Write a list of all the books that you want to read this year (this might include books that you didn’t quite get round to last year). Pick a variety of books that you want to read – pick books that you will want to read for pleasure after a hard day at work, pick an old classic that will be a close friend, pick a book that will inspire you, pick a book that will educate you… the list goes on.

If it helps motivate you why not also write down why you want to read these particular books and your motivation for choosing them.

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