Prompt: Write a List of Things you want to Try

Prompt: Write a list of things you want to try!

We are a big fan of list prompts. It is important to keep adding to and reviewing any lists that you have. If anything inspires you – write it down on the relevant list in your career journal.

One of your lists should be a list of things that you want to try. This is incredibly important in current times, and you should be updating your list on a regular basis with more opportunities and ticking off what you can. If it helps, you can also split your list into a during the lockdown and post lockdown list to assist with focusing on things that you can do right now, without losing sight of those things you want to try once we are back on our feet.

Don’t forget you can join us each week for our weekly prompts. If you haven’t already signed up for our mailing list to get these prompts directly into your inbox you can do so here.

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