Things to do in your Lunch break

promptjournal - lunchbreak

I was determined to do something more with my lunchtime and not just grab a quick bite and work on through my lunch.

At first, I focussed on trying to have lunch with more people and building in my routine regular lunches with others. This worked to a certain extent and lasted about 6 months or so. However, the deteriorating weather (hello winter!) and other people’s work pressures mean that they are not as often as I would like. I was aiming for once a week.  Now I probably have 1 or 2 lunches a month where I go out for lunch (in addition to work celebratory lunches).

gone for lunch

To inspire me to use my lunchtimes in other ways I got Gone for Lunch: 52 Things to do in your Lunch  Break by Laura Archer.

The idea behind the book is much like my own prompt 52 series, the author wanted to be more productive with her lunch break and drew up a list of things to do with a week to complete each one. The book is the result of the author’s 12-month experiment with different activities.

The book is split into 4 sections: Sitting, active, inside and outside. Not all the activities will take your full lunch hour. I’ve been trying out a few of these the last month whereas others I’ve got planned for a date in the future and there will be some research involved to seek out some suitable places. I am looking forward to it 🙂

Even if the book is not something you are interested in, I suggest that you have a think about how you can potentially make more use of your lunchtimes.

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