V is for… Verbal Communication

a to z of skills development

Verbal communication is simply communication by speaking words. However, effective verbal communication skills include more than just simply talking. Verbal communication includes how you deliver and receive the words spoken.

Why is Verbal Communication Important?

Communication (including verbal communication) very important as it enables you to communicate with others around you and get your job done.

You will be valued if you are able to convey information clearly and effectively. Additionally, if you can also understand, interpret and act upon what you have been told (the information you have received) this is also a valued skill. Both of these mean that you are likely to be able to do a good job.

Verbal communication can take on many forms such as:

  • communicating with your client/customer;
  • communicating with your team
  • communicating with other teams in the business;
  • communicating as a manager with your team
  • communication as a manager on a one-to-one level with individual
  • providing feedback
  • engaging in conversation
  • providing advice/instruction
  • training others
  • networking

The list is endless. There are so many things that you will do in the workplace (and outside of the workplace) that involve verbal communication.

Skill Development Plan

There are many different ways that you can improve your verbal communication (and improving your communication skills generally will also improve your verbal communication). Here are some suggestions:

  • Read more – reading more can improve your vocabulary which will help you to express ideas clearly.
  • Prepare – if you can prepare what you are going to say. For example if you have a difficult conversation coming up, or you are giving a training session or presentation – preparing in advance what you are going to say can help.
  • Listen – Listening more can make you a better communicator.
  • Develop better habits – identify you personal bad habits and work on making these better to help make you a better communicater – for example slowing down and thinking before you speak.
  • Ask for training/coaching.
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