How to: Develop a Regular Writing Habit

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How to: Develop a Regular Writing HabiT

One of the most important habits that you can develop is a regular writing habit. You might write every day, you might write every week. I personally write daily. My career journal is just one of the places that I write and I usually write in my career journal a minimum of once a week.

Writing regularly can make you more focused, it can give you a better career, help you with your personal development and create a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. Writing regularly can also help you capture ideas and inspiration, de-stress and relax and can help you become better at writing.

I write about journalling and using a career journal because I believe that regular writing can help you achieve things. While I focus on career journalling here on this blog – journalling and writing regularly can help everyone – whatever their goals and aspirations are.

However, as great as the benefits of writing regularly are – it is hard to do it on a regular basis when you have many time pressures.

So here are some simple things that you can do to help develop your writing habit:

  • Set a daily reminder. First, think about what time is the best for you to write. In the morning or evening?  Then, set a daily reminder on your phone.
  • Have a physical space that you go to write as a part of your routine. I usually write in the morning with a cup of coffee ready to kickstart my day.
  • Start small. You don’t have to write loads. Start small – start with a sentence, a paragraph a page and build yourself up.
  • Use Prompts. If you struggle for inspiration – use prompts combined with free writing to develop your writing habits.
  • Remove distractions. block out your time, turn your phone off do whatever you need to do to make your writing time distraction free.


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