B is for… Bragging

B is for…Bragging

Do you keep a “Brag List”? A Brag List is a list of your accomplishments and achievements. When preparing for a promotion (or pay rise) it is important that you are able to discuss your achievements. In the busy workplace, your actions (no matter how great they are) often get forgotten when it comes to appraisal time/ promotion time. Therefore, it is important that you use your Career Journal to keep track of what you do. It is important to keep a record of your achievements and contributions.

Your Brag List will bring your contributions, skills and achievements to the attention of your boss at the appropriate time.

When pushing for a promotion you should talk about the benefits / outcomes of your achievements and contributions and demonstrate the benefit to the business/team – not just what you did.

Prepare a short but sweet ‘pitch’ about your achievements and contribution. Practice what you want to say and identify what is important in advance.

Action Point: You should be updating your brag list (list of your accomplishments) in your Career Journal on a regular basis. However, it is easy to get side-tracked. Write about your recent accomplishments and get your brag list up to date.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming book Prompt: 52 Prompts for Getting a Promotion Using Your Career Journal” which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

If you are dropping by as part of the A to Z Challenge – don’t forget to leave a comment to say hi with a link to your blog. Do you keep a record of achievements? Share in the comments.

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