C is for… Company Goals

C is for… Company Goals

Earlier this week we asked the question: What are my Company’s Goals for me? as part of our regular career development prompt series.

Your company will have goals for you that you need to meet to get that promotion or pay rise.  In your preparation for your Appraisal you will need to be  measures how you are doing not just against your own personal goals but the Company’s goals for you. These may be the goals in black and white that are published and that everyone in a certain role is expected to meet and deliver, or these might be goals that your Boss set you in the last appraisal.

Whatever the reason / origin – you will need to be considering each in turn:

  1. What is the Company Goal?
  2. How have I achieved this goal?
  3. Give some examples / evidence.
  4. What still needs to be done / can be improved?
  5. What is next?



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