B is for… Bragging

B is for…Bragging

In your appraisal you will be required to brag. It is a mandatory requirement of the performance appraisal.

It is the one time you can get away with it and if you are going for a promotion or pay rise it is the time you absolutely have to do it. If you are not confident at bragging about yourself part of your preparation should be identifying your achievements and bragging about them. In the busy workplace your actions (no matter how great they are) will often go unnoticed or not fully appreciated.

You need to bring your contributions, skills and achievements to the attention of your boss.

You can do this by talking about the benefits / outcomes of your achievements and contributions and demonstrate the benefit to the business / team not just what you did. Prepare a short but sweet ‘pitch’ about your achievements and contribution. Practice what you want to say and identify what is important in advance.

Resources and further reading:

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