Create the right mindset to anchor you in the positive

Confidence is an attitude or a way to approach things. It is a feeling, not a behaviour. Our experience, thoughts, attire, emotions, believes and values can all have an impact on our confidence and our mindset.

The brain cannot tell the difference between something real and something imaginary. Therefore visualisation and our own mindset can be used to boost our confidence and make us more positive. Something that is regularly used in sport, but is increasingly being used in business.

When looking at the attributes of peak performance 80% is mindset and only 20% is skill set.

So think about you being at your best! Visualise your Success.

Visualise this and add it to your success toolkit as an anchor that you can call on. If a visual cue doesn’t work for you what about an auditory one such as a song.

Your mindset is your choice. Adopting a growth mindset can help you see confidence as an ability you can develop as part of a process. After all, by repeated practise, we can all learn to be better.

If it helps, why not create a affirmation to capture your mindset. What is it that will help you be more confident when you need it? “Just do it” “Fake it until you make it” “I am enough” “Have courage”.

What is yours?

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