Develop a plan to demonstrate confidence under pressure

Confidence is all about your mindset. So part of this should be developing a Confidence Plan to help you to act confident and to acknowledge any fear to you and do it anyway!

There should be three key elements to your plan: Fuelling, Training and Recovery.


Fuel. Think about how you can help yourself. This can be simple things such as have a more positive mindset and adopting a growth mindset and practising mindfulness.

Sleeping well and looking after yourself (both your mind and your body) helps too.


Think about what opportunities you have to practice. If you don’t practice you won’t improve. You need to deliberately practice and take the leap by putting yourself in situations where you will practice. You won’t improve if you avoid these situations.

Once you have done it the brain will get used to it. The more you do it, the more you will build your courage/confidence.


Finally you should also take the time to “recover” and rest. Think about how you rest and what you do to relax.

Take the time to reflect on what worked, what made you perform better, or at you best. Use your career journal to reflect on what works and capture the moments to support yourself, to reflect, to rethink and to strengthen yourself.

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