D is for… Delegation

D is for… Delegation

It is important to show that you are ready for the next step. You need to be clear about what is within your job description and your future job description. If you are not already performing at the next level you need to be demonstrating that you can. So sometimes this will mean delegating more. Delegation can help you focus on doing a good job on the things that matter. It can also help free up your time to tackle new projects, push yourself outside your comfort zone and do whatever else you need to do to demonstrate that you are ready for that promotion.

Action Point: Keep a list of things you have done and how to do them. As well as using this list to demonstrate what you are doing you can also use it to identify what you are doing that is “above and beyond” and what you should be delegating.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming book Prompt: 52 Prompts for Getting a Promotion Using Your Career Journal” which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

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