G is for… Goals

promptjournal - first 90 days

G is for… Goals

It is never too early to set goals. Even if you are new into a job or role it is important to set goals to ensure that you maximise your time (and crucially your first 90 days).

01 Set personal goals

Start by setting some of your own personal goals. What do you want out of the job? Why did you take it? What will give you job satisfaction?

02 Company Expectations

If you haven’t already asked – ask your boss what they are expecting you to do and to achieve in this initial period. This is likely to depend on what your role is – but if you have an understanding of what their expectations are – you can work towards achieving them (and exceeding them if possible).

03 Company Goals

You will also be expected to meet your company’s goals take the time at the outset to read your job descriptions and the competency framework in place at your company as well as the general corporate goals and mission. This will help you work out the goals that you need to achieve to pass your probation, hit your targets, get a bonus or pay rise or get your next promotion.

Taking the time to work out the company goals and align these with your own personal goals will help you impress your boss and make an impact. It will also improve your own job satisfaction as you will have clear in your mind what you want to achieve and when.

Action Point: Set your goals.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming “First 90 Days” prompt journal which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

If you are dropping by as part of the A to Z Challenge – don’t forget to leave a comment to say hi with a link to your blog. Have you combined personal and company goals or do you just focus on one aspect?

Share in the comments.

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