How to Add Value at Work #08: Be a Team Player

This month we are doing an extra quick tips series on how to add value at work. You are not limited by your job description. By “adding value” you can help your company meet their goals as well as also advancing your own career. Adding value to your role, your team, your boss and your company should form part of your goals/objectives to help you meet your career goals. It can improve your reputation, boost your chances of promotion, and from a personal perspective increase your job satisfaction.

Throughout this series, we will be doing a round-up of different ways that you can add value and how your career journal can help you plan and take action.

Be a team player and muck in and help out

Just “getting on with it” and picking up tasks as required or without being asked is a trait that many employers value. Muck in and help out team members during busy periods of business will not only benefit your employer but will put you in good standing with your team.

If you are aware that one of your colleagues is struggling to get through their workload or is overloaded with deadlines/demands, offering to help will be well perceived by your colleagues and show your employer you don’t only have your own interests in mind. You are a team player and put your team not yourself first.

Further Reading:

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