I is for… Introduce Yourself

promptjournal - first 90 days

I is for… Introduce Yourself

Don’t be afraid to just introduce yourself! Yes it can be scary but just say hello and introduce yourself to everyone from the sandwich seller to the CEO.

Getting to know people – even if it is just recognising them or knowing their first name is a start. People will appreciate you making the effort to introduce yourself and get to know them. Ask them what they do as this will help you get to know the company better.

If you are like me and you forget things such as who you have met and their names etc you might want to use your career journal (or your networking planner if you have one) as an aide memoire.

Make sure you speak up and join in with things. Don’t spend your time being the mouse in the corner. If you don’t get to know others… they won’t get to know you.

Finally, don’t forget to smile – it makes you more approachable.

Action Point: When you see someone you haven’t met before – introduce yourself.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming “First 90 Days” prompt journal which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

If you are dropping by as part of the A to Z Challenge – don’t forget to leave a comment to say hi with a link to your blog. Introduce yourself!

1 thought on “I is for… Introduce Yourself

  1. Hi, we’re Operation Awesome! We’re a blog dedicated to giving writers information on craft and publishing. We also offer opportunities for connecting to agents through Pass or Pages and showcasing authors’ debuts through interviews. Nice to meet you!

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