Y is for… Yes

Y is for… Yes

Yes, say yes.

Be open to opportunities as and when they arise. Put yourself forward for opportunities and make the most of them. You never know who you might meet or what experience you might gain from saying yes. Saying yes can open the door to many opportunities which in turn may lead to things that will help you get a promotion.

Additionally, saying yes will help you gain a reputation for someone who is a team player, goes that extra mile and wants to help and ad value.

However, don’t forget to say no when you need to. This is okay too.

Action Point: Say Yes. Write a list in your Prompt Journal of things that you have said yes to.

This blog post is an extract from our upcoming book Prompt: 52 Prompts for Getting a Promotion Using Your Career Journal” which is being published later this year. You can pre-order your copy.

If you are dropping by as part of the A to Z Challenge – don’t forget to leave a comment to say hi with a link to your blog.

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